Using of getc is risking because it is implemented a macro, so there might be a side effect occur due to the macro. It is good to use fgetc in place of getc. Recommended Articles for you: Use of fgetc() function in C? How to use fputc() in C? You should know fgets() in C?
Get a string from a stream: how to use fgets #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *file; char string [100]; file = fopen ("my.txt" , "r"); if (file == NULL) perror ("Error reading file"); else { fgets (string , 100 , file); puts (string); fclose (file); } return...
What you need to do is to check if fgets returns null pointer (that is in the tomaJugada function) and when that happens, then either an error occurred or you've reached the end of the file. To disambiguate between the two you could use the eoffeof function for instance. EOF in c i...
There are many ways to remove the trailing newline character from fgets input. Below I am mentioning some ways to remove the trailing newline character from the fgets input. You can use any one of them as per your requirement. But here I want to mention that in the below solution some ...
The user’s string is then read using the fgets() method. The strupr() method is then used to transform the string to uppercase. The strupr() method receives the str array as an input. Lastly, we use the printf() function to output the final uppercase text. Output Note that the ...
Notice that, we retrieve a file size usingstatsystem call, but it needs the input file’s pathname, which can’t be retrieved if not passe explicitly as a command-line argument. Mind though, every function call needs to be checked for a successful return to guarantee thefgetsdoes not try...
To determine the size of your array in bytes, you can use thesizeofoperator: int a[17]; size_t n = sizeof(a); On my computer, ints are 4 bytes long, so n is 68. To determine the number of elements in the array, we can divide the total size of the array by the size of ...
You can use the space-separated string in a program using the fgets() function. The use of the fgets() function is to return a string. What makes it different from the gets() function is that the fgets() function ensures that no more characters than the maximum size are read. After ...
characters which were part of the class. So now, scanf accepts all characters except \n. You can also use fgets for the same purpose. This reads input till a newline is read or until the specified size is reached, with the size specified as arguments: char str[50]; fgets(str, 50, ...
To print the%(percent) sign in the message by using theprintf() functionin C language, then we have to use it twice (%%). Because if we use it once like any other message it will return some random value in the message which will be printed. ...