transitive verb. 1 :to hold motionless by or as if by piercing he stood transfixed by her gaze. 2 : to pierce through with or as if with a pointed weapon : impale. What does enraptured mean in the Bible? To fill with rapture or delight. How do you use enrapture in a sentence? He...
How To End an Introduction Paragraph About Yourself? An introductory paragraph usually ends with a sentence identifying the event that will be happening next. In short, it will be a summary of the next paragraph you will be discussing. For a self-introductory paragraph, it is usually ended jus...
How will the reader use it? The answers help you decide the length, the level of detail, the style. The Concept. Good writing starts with a plan. Writers have different ways of developing plans. I find the concept-sheet (Section 3, below) is a good way to do it. Figure 1. The ...
Although you have already answered why you want to pursue your first choice major in the short answers section of the application, this extra space really allows you to dive deeper into why you decided to pursue nursing as a career and allows you to show off your work towards your goal. Y...
Focus on the keywords, “background,”“identity,”“interest,” and “talent,” and use them as launch points for your brainstorming. Does anything in your personality, hobbies, history, or personal accomplishments come to mind as being worthy of highlighting to an admissions officer? These ca...
(1) Don't use that word and find another one that's easier to say. (2) Speak it a bit fast so that the the secondary problematic letter slurs by and brain will fill in the blanks. An example: Sentence: "I am having a difficult time with my vocabulary exam."First...
because u know it takes lots of time to be all known and i have been reading in dictionaries 4 such along time,for example(fascinate,mesmerize,bewitch,smite,enthrall,captivate,enchant,charm,entrance,infatuate,thrill,spellbind,enamor),u definitely know that there is a slight difference between ...
–You don’t always have to follow the Japanese sentence order.Sometimes it can help to go in the exact reverse order, actually. Often the most important information in a Japanese sentence comes at the end, and English doesn’t work that way. ...
" I asked. She couldn't wait to tell me. "We learned that boys are different from girls!" she chirped. Looking into the rearview mirror, I could just see the top of her head. "My teacher told us that boys have a thing and girls don't," she added. "Well, yes they do..." ...
The old SAT had 19 sentence completion questions which tested traditional SAT vocabulary terms. The following is a typical example. There is no doubt that Larry is a genuine ---: he excels at telling stories that fascinate his listeners. (A) bragg...