To Subject Re: st: How to use -suest- with -xtfmb- (test Fama-MacBeth regression coefficients) Date Tue, 8 Nov 2011 09:56:58 -0500I wasn't able to figure out a neat Stata solution, but a dummy variable interaction and adjusting the table output does ...
So my question is: is it possible to use the -estout- package to report the r2 and r2_a summary statistics for multiply-imputed data? If so, how? Obviously I can obtain 'R-Squared' and 'Adjusted R-Squared' with Stata's screen output using -mibeta- and then manually write them in...
With these changes in place, it shouldn't be necesssary to reduce the font size in the table (assuming a main document font size of 10pt). \documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % ...
Dear all How to save the result of command "xtoverid2, noi robust". Since I could only use "esttab" to save the results of "xtivreg, re" which doesn't generate the robust standard error and the corresponding P-value. However, when I run "xtoverid2, noi robust" after "xtivreg, re...
>> An additional doubt is that when I apply the colortbl to the coefficient or some other options >> in the -esttab- stata shows an error "_{ invalid name". >> >> For example, >> >> sysuse auto, clear >> reg price weight mpg >> local colortbl "{\colortbl;\red255\green0\blue...
st: R: How to take into account correlation in Logistic regression using Stata From: <> Prev by Date: st: Dear All Next by Date: Re: st: Question on esttab Previous by thread: st: R: How to take into account correlation in Logistic regression using Stata... Subjectst: How to determine if a variable is a dummy in mata DateSat, 16 Nov 2013 23:23:43 -0500 Follow-Ups: st: Re: How to determine if a variable is a dummy in mata From:"Joseph Coveney" <>...
> An additional doubt is that when I apply the colortbl to the coefficient or some other options > in the -esttab- stata shows an error "_{ invalid name". > > For example, > > sysuse auto, clear > reg price weight mpg > local colortbl "{\colortbl;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\...
I am using Stata Version 10 on Windows Vista. The analysis I am conducting is exploratory and involves a long list of independent variables I am testing using simple linear regression. In order to see which variables are "promising" I'd like to find a way ...
>> An additional doubt is that when I apply the colortbl to the coefficient or some other options >> in the -esttab- stata shows an error "_{ invalid name". >> >> For example, >> >> sysuse auto, clear >> reg price weight mpg >> local colortbl "{\colortbl;\red255\green0\blue...