In this guide, we'll explain how to use Prettier with ESLint, delegating the responsibility of code convention definition to ESLint, and the responsibility of formatting to Prettier.
I’ve gotten very used to having VSCode autoformat my file when I save. Usually, I use Prettier. But I joined a project that uses ESLint to manage its code style, and I wanted to match the team’s formatting. I wanted that sweet auto-formatting on save, but using theeslintrc.jsonf...
I want to use vue-tsc for type checking in vue. I want to use lint-stage now, but vue-tsc can't seem to find my tsconfig.json "lint-staged": { "*.{ts,tsx}": [ "prettier --write", "eslint --fix", "tsc --noEmit --pretty false --skipLibChec...
You have a lot of options that you want to pass to your CLI when executing ESLint from the terminal, so you want to include those options in the .eslintrc.* config file. I don't think your proposal will be accepted for the .eslintrc.* because we aren’t currently making any chang...
@eslint/create-config@<version_name> Next, you might want to start ticking some options such as: “How would you like to use ESLint?”– I chose the last option “What type of modules does your project use?”– First option (“Import”/”Export”) ...
.eslintrc.js // The example settings below tell ESLint to enable browser and node global variables like `window`.module.exports={env:{browser:true,node:true}}; Parser Theparserproperty in.eslintrcdeclares which parser ESLint should use to parse your code into an AST. By default, ESLint ...
.eslintignore .eslintrc.json You might see some tutorials use.ymlor.jsconfigurations and some tutorials might exclude an.eslintignoreall together and use pattern matching in their node js scripts to exclude certain folders. All of these approaches are valid and it's really a matter of prefere...
You can use a.eslintignorefile to ignore thenode_modulesdirectory when running ESLint commands. If you don't already have a.eslintignorefile, create one in the root directory of your project (right next to yourpackage.jsonfile). Try adding the following patterns to your.eslintignorefile. ...
"name":"eslint-plugin-reatom" Alternatively, you can use the scoped package naming convention: "name":"@reatom/eslint-plugin" Initial Structure -scripts // some automation to concentrate on writing rules-docs-rules // here will be generated by npm run add-rule files-src-configs recommend...
As TypeScript developers, we use ESLint as it is capable of linting both TypeScript AND JavaScript files.I'm going to teach you how to write custom ESLint rules that work for your team.⚠️Disclaimer: the rest of this post contains irony and sarcasm....