Press the "=" button to see the solution to the equation. If additional solutions are available they will be displayed after more presses of the "=" button. You can also use the up and down arrow keys to scroll between solutions. Warning Not all the ES and MS models have the equation ...
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publicinterfaceICalculatorDuplexCallback{ [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]voidEquals(doubleresult); [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]voidEquation(stringeqn); } Declare the method signatures in the callback interface. Apply theOperationContractAttributeclass to each method signature that must be part...
I am using k & epsilon model to simulate. How can I specify them? I use the eqation in the help document. k=1.5*(Uave*I)^2 epsilon=0.09^0.75*k^1.5/(0.07*Dh) Where Uave is average velocity, and Dh is hydralic diameter. But when I calculate, the k and epsilon residuals are ...
2) Query the velocity at inlet (ave, areaAve in CFD-Post calculator). Is your BC of 1 m/s enforced? 3) What are room dimensions? 4) Is there backflow? Last edited by A_Prakash; December 3, 2013 at 13 Dear Sir, Thanks for reply. Actually I have not initialize to the domain at...
Using this, we can multiply the mass of the atmosphere times the specific heat of the air to calculate what the total heat capacity of the atmosphere is: (Eqn. 1) In other words, it takes about 5.95 x 1021Joules to raise the temperature of the atmosphere one degree Celsius. ...
The calculations, except consumption, use the number of inhabitants, emission factors for each type of food product, as well as factors such as EQF and global sequestration rate.CF = ICn× AFnDn× ICO2eqn× 10-3× EQF × IsGLwhere: ICn − the number of inhabitants of n-city [person...