Here's how to use close of business (COB) in a sentence: “Can you send me October’s investor report by COB today?” What is end of day (EOD)? 54% of Americans have no idea what EOD means. (Source: Adobe) EODstands for the end of the business day according to the sender’s...
In this English lesson, I explain how three prepositions -- at, on, and in -- are used in relation to time. A lot of students get confused with these words. If you have any questions about this lesson, leave a comment below.
1 Use a professional tone A reminder email, like any proper email, should be written in a direct, professional tone. Do not be accusatory or chiding in a reminder email; the goal is not to shame the recipient into compliance but to simply remind them about a meeting, call, or another...
How can the acronym WTD be used in a sentence? WTD can be used in many different sentences in text messaging and on social media. In this first example, the term WTD will be used to mean “what to do.” Here, Lucas cheated on his girlfriend and he is seeking advice from his brothe...
Pairwork:Discussthefollowingquestionswithyourpartner.1.Howlongshouldatourguidegettotheairporttomeettheguests inadvance?2.Whatkindofpreparationshouldatourguidemakebeforehe/she meetsthetourists?3.Howshouldatourguidedresshimself/herself?4.Whatisthemostimportantforatourguidewhenhe/sheshowsup infrontoftheguestsforthe...
Generally "generative question answering" is the topic which requires accuracy because we need to get the "factual" data back from our own private documents. This is unlike other use cases like generating a poem or talking in some personality like talking as if the model is Sherlock or Waler...
The humble act of reading a book to a young child has repeatedly been found to have remarkable power [7]. Programs implemented in different countries that put books in the hands of parents and young children and that equip parents with effective strategies for using books consistently have been...
however, he had a stroke during his fourth term and died just 11 weeks in. He led the country during the majority of World War II, passing away only months before the Axis Powers surrendered. During his first inauguration, he famously said: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itsel...
Against the good ones I still lose, but it could be a skill issue as I'm very unfamiliar with untamed, and don't know what build to use either. One issue with untamed is that my pet will get killed, which then puts me in a major disadvantage. Do you have any untamed build to ...
byreadingaloudtopractice pronunciation Whatwaysdoyouoftenusein learningEnglish?byreadingthe textbook bylisteningto tapes bywatchingvideos Howdoeshe/shestudyEnglish?He/Shestudies___b_y__V_-_in_g___Bymakingwordcards Bywatchingmovies Bylisteningtomusic Byreadingtextbook HowdoyoustudyEnglish?IstudyEnglishby...