In this article, we will show you how to insert an em dash using the autocorrect option as well as how to insert an em dash manually, just in case you version on Microsoft Word doesn’t have that autocorrect function just yet. Inserting an Em Dash using Autocorrect OpenWord Place yourcur...
The rules of when and where to use which kind of dash may seem complex and hard to understand, but they don't have to. Here's your guide to how to use em dashes, en dashes, and hyphens correctly.
Em dash vs. en dash: when to use each symbol My editor made me add this, so really quickly, here's the difference between an em and en dash: The em dash (—) is used to separate extra information or mark a break in a sentence. For example: A notebook, pen, and laptop—these...
Today, we’re learning what an em dash is and how to use it. Contents: What Is an Em Dash? How to Use an Em Dash When to Use an Em Dash Examples of Using an Em Dash in a Sentence What Is an Em Dash? The em dash can be used in place of commas, colons, semicolons, and ...
1. Emphasizing a Word or Phrase Use an em dash to draw attention to a specific word or phrase, adding emphasis to it within a sentence. Example: “The research findings revealed a substantial improvement in patient outcomes — reduced hospital readmissions and improved quality of life.” ...
When to use an en dash As shown above, the en dash has various uses that provide specific benefits to the writer. Here is a more in-depth look. Using an en dash to indicate spans or ranges The en dash is often used to indicate a period or a range of numbers. In this context, th...
When to use an em dash? 1. To replace parentheses Normally, you use parentheses to offset something parenthetical (extra information that is optional to understanding the main idea). Want to add some flair and style to your text? Use em dashes instead, like in this example: Good punctuatio...
Warning:To correctly make an em dash on Word and other word processors,DO NOTuse two consecutive hyphens or a double dash. Two adjacent hyphens (that's two of these, no spaces between them: – -) combine to form anen dash, like this one: –. An en dash looks similar to anem dash,...
Or the use of a hyphen to indicate the use of a prefex when without it the prefix may create an unintended word, as in “recover” vs. “re-cover.” BTW: When we type “word space hyphen space word,” Microsoft Word automatically converts the hypen to an en dash, though it leaves...
whether you’re trying to show the reader that the letters are unknown or you just left them out on purpose. on the other hand, let’s say you want to indicate that an entire word is being left out. in this case, you should use either a double dash or three consecutiveem dashes. ...