Make sure to use en dashes, not hyphens, for numerical ranges like this. Note that in the phrases “from … to …” and “between … and …,” it’s standard to retain the word “to” or “and” instead of using an en dash, to maintain parallel construction in the sentence. The ...
The em dash (—) is longer than both the hyphen and the en dash. It is named after its approximate width, which is equal to the width of the letter “M”. It offers a more dramatic pause or interruption within the text and serves as a break in the flow of a sentence. Acting as ...
An em dash or pair of dashes often sets off illustrative or amplifying material introduced by such phrases as for example, namely, and that is, when the break in continuity is greater than that shown by a comma, or when the dash would clarify the sentence structure better than a comma. ...
Today, we’re learning what an em dash is and how to use it. Contents: What Is an Em Dash? How to Use an Em Dash When to Use an Em Dash Examples of Using an Em Dash in a Sentence What Is an Em Dash? The em dash can be used in place of commas, colons, semicolons, and ...
Now that you know when you can use an em dash, it's important not to overboard with it. Twice per sentence is plenty. There's no set rule for how many times you can use it per page, use your best judgement. There's also no agreement on whether you should use an em dash with ...
anem dashis the longest of the dashes. it has multiple uses, making it a especially useful in informal writing or fiction. use theem dashto indicate an interruption or an abrupt change in thought. what’s more, anem dashcan also signal a sentence break when you want to clarify something ...
The other type of dash is the em-dash. This dash is longer than the en-dash and is about the size of the letter M in width. This is how it might look in a sentence: “Once the mayor collected all of the votes on the matter—a total of 385—he was then able to get a feel ...
Dashes emphasize information, show breaks or changes in thought, and connect related ideas in a sentence. Writers often use dashes instead of commas, periods, or parentheses. There are three kinds of dashes: en dash, em dash, and double hyphen. The en dash and em dash appear frequently. Wh...
Here are the situations you might use an em dash: 1. To insert a phrase into the middle of a sentence as a stronger comma. Em dashes might be used instead of a comma if there are a lot of commas already used in a sentence or paragraph and you want to switch it up, or for a ...
How to use em dashes Em dashes are used in much the same way as commas but indicate a harder break in the sentence. They are the longest dash and generally used sparingly to emphasize an important piece of information or to provide clarity to a long, complicated sentence. For example: ...