The cable comes complete with a connector housing unit which you can use to lock your USB in place so it's much less likely to slip out at a crucial moment. For added convenience, when you're not using the DualSense Edge, you can even charge it while it's stored in the case!
After your turn in the Relay Trial is done, you can choose a preset message. If you’re picking up after someone else, you can choose additional units to deploy and watch the past players’ actions. You’ll get various rewards depending on how the team that participated did. From there,...
The first step in creating Ron Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy is selecting a Preset. The character customization screen gives you a wide variety of diverse appearances to choose from, but the male figure on Row 2 Column 3 was the best starting point due to the character’s distinct freckled look...
Fans of the Saints Row franchise have a lot to look forward to withthe upcoming reboot. Following on humorous crime-laden stories akin to Saints Row: The Third,the vast open world of Santo Ilesois home tomany quirky and sassy charactershoping to help the player establish their presence. Thos...
Attempting to use a Logitech game pad, a F310, I'd get a constant spin to the right of the character in game play, that cannot be fixed or even disabled. This seems to be a bug in the game however, as others have reported this for using game pads other than very specific ones (...