藉由選擇 Visual Studio 內的 [分析]>[計算程式碼度量]功能表命令。 從C# 和 Visual Basic 專案的 命令列。 .NET 程式碼品質分析器程式碼度量規則 .NET 程式碼品質分析器包含數個程式碼度量 分析器 規則: CA1501 CA1502 CA1505 CA1506 預設會停用這些規則,但您可以從 [方案總管] 或[EditorConfig] 檔案中加...
一般而言,您可以在其中找到.editorconfig (請參閱editorconfig.org) 針對每個目錄,落實這些標準的設定檔。請務必要使用的檔案,以確定您遵循的指導方針,並避免封鎖您的 PR。 對於Visual Basic 中撰寫程式碼,請遵循的精神和 C# 指南的目的。 雖然不在清單中所述,單元測試會產生需要的品質...
How do I prevent Visual Studio 2022 reformatting on uncommenting a block ? I useCtrl+/to (un)comment a line - everything stays the same. But try doing the same with multiple lines and VS suddenly reformats them for some reason. Note: I knowCtrl+zwill undo this (if execute...
While you could have a Visual-studio-wide setup, I strongly suggest to still include an EditorConfig root to your solution version control, so that explicit settings are automatically synced to all team members as well. Your drive root editorconfig file can be the fallback should some project n...
But unable to find any such settings in Visual Studio 2022. I know we can use project specific .editorconfig, but we are not using .editorconfig - we are using clang formatter for code styling. We want a way to set EOL for all developers globally in Visual Studio 2022. We are us...
通常情况下,您会发现.editorconfig (请参阅editorconfig.org) 为每个目录,强制执行这些标准设置文件。请务必使用该文件以确保您遵循的准则并避免阻止 PR。 对于那些在 Visual Basic 中编写代码,请按照精神和 C# 指南的目的。 尽管不在列表中所述,单元测试是质量的生成所需级别的关键...
And use the same number of $1, $2 in the replacement pattern. V Vaska Raminashvili First, check if you have installed "EditorConfig for VS Code". It was overriding my editor settings. I spent all day correcting this problem. In the project find .editorconfig file and ones changed ...
Without it, IDEs and editors will use their general configuration, causing divergences in the files edited on them. Many editors and IDEs support the EditorConfig file by default, and others have plugins to support it. Here are some: Visual Studio (Built-in); JetBrains Rider (Built-in); ...
Team Coding Conventions for .NET –Use .editorconfig (we worked with the community to extend the open-source file format to work with .NET code style) to codify your conventions and have them enforced in Visual Studio. Say goodbye to managing your rules from a file...
How does your team make clean code a priority? We seek feedback from one another and work to improve as a team. Code reviews are a good place to advocate for and learn about good programming habits. They also help ensure the entire team is in alignment. ...