Dry ice’s most common use is to keep perishables cool during shipping. (Thomas Slate was the first to sell it to railcars in 1924.) It has a number of other fascinating uses, too. For example, it’s being used to purge the NYC subway system of rats. Try attaching it to the unde...
Dry ice, a solid form of carbon dioxide, is used in an array of fashions -- from food and parties to manufacturing, and even in art and theater. Dry ice cannot be directly colored; however, you can create colorful effects with it by coloring the water it sits in or the fog it crea...
How to Use Dry Ice in Drinks & Punches How to Use Dry Ice for Halloween Effects How to Install LED Lights in an existing Halloween Prop and make it better. Ghost To Ghost- Ghost Stories & more View More Halloween Inside Tips...
To resurface the ice, they used a tractor with a blade to scrape the top layer. A crew of people scrambled behind to collect ice shavings and spray the surface with hot water. After waiting for the water to refreeze, the process took a whopping hour and a half, which must've been a...
Penguin Brand Dry Ice How long does dry ice last? Dry ice begins the process of sublimation once its temperature climbs above 109º F. Use 5-10 lbs of dry ice to keep 10-15 quarts of goods frozen per 24-hour period. If you are shipping items for a longer duration, increase the am...
Dry ice's bitter chill keeps perishables cold for longer, but also makes it more dangerous than regular ice. Touching dryice with bare skinis a recipe for instant frostbite, and breathing in too much of its carbon dioxide fog can suffocate you. So use tongs, keep dry ice in a well-vent...
Take your decorations to the next level and impress your trick-or-treaters this Halloween with one of these home-built DIY fog machines.
Since fog machines use heat to create fog from the fog liquid, warm fog is what you get. Which is why it tends to evaporate as soon as it gets into the air. So the trick I’ve learned for how to make low lying fog is to cool the fog right after it comes out of the machine…...
When to Call the Fire Department Most fire extinguishers contain a fairly small amount of fire-suppressant material; you can use it all up in a matter of seconds. For this reason, extinguishers are only effective on relatively small, contained fires. ...
Humidifiers can make your home more comfortable, especially for plants that are native to humid environments and people with dry skin. skaman306/Getty Images There are many reasons why people use humidifiers, from relieving sinus congestion to creating a more habitable environment for tropical plant...