A few days ago I was given code by a client for a function that, given a path to a patient’s file, generates a useful ID for the patient. I won’t post the actual function, but it was something along the lines of this: library(stringr)library(dplyr)patient_name<-function(path){...
We will need to use a selection helper function, eitherall_of()orany_of(). We will useall_of()in the example code. Example Code: # Create a character vector using the names of the columns to remove.# Note the quotes around the column names.to_remove=c('Col2','Col7','dplyrAA'...
dplyr package and its functions such as filter, mutate, and summarise, as we often need to use these one after another to manipulate our data. Luckily, the pipe comes loaded with dplyr, so there’s no need to load the magrittr package unless you specifically need to use the othe...
library(bigrquery) library(dplyr) con <- dbConnect( bigrquery::bigquery(), project ="bigquery-public-data", dataset ="baseball", billing ="my_project_id") Nothing much happens when I run this code except creating a connection variable. But the first time I try tousethe connection, I’...
For importing data in R from XML files, we need to install the XML package, which can be done as follows: install.packages("XML") To read XML files, we use the in-built function xmlParse(). For example: #To load required xml package to read XML files library("XML") #To ...
Because dplyr quotes its arguments, we have to do two things to use it in our function:First, we have to quote our argument Second, we have to tell dplyr, that we already have quoted the argument, which we do with unquotingWe will see this quote-and-unquote pattern consequently ...
Finally there is the dplyr package, which has emerged as the swiss army knife for manipulating data within the r language. In any event, whichever applicable method you select, there are many ways to get this done!
To get a bug fix or to use a feature from the development version, you can install the development version of dplyr from GitHub.# install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("tidyverse/dplyr")Cheat SheetUsagelibrary(dplyr) starwars %>% filter(species == "Droid") #> # A tibble...
Before you run the examples, you’ll need to run some code to import the case_when function, and also to create some data that we’ll work with. Import dplyr The case_when function is part of thedplyrlibrary in R. Having said that, you’ll need to importdplyrexplicitly or import the...
Using the dplyr function sample_n()We now have all the data we need in a data.frame, so we can use the dplyr function. We just want to pick one row to be our winner.sample_n(airtable, 1) #1 is the number of rows we want