I'm looking to use C# libraries compiled to Mono WASM runtime from JavaScript, but without the browser context, so that window, document and other browser-specific APIs are not available (example use case are web extensions for vscode). ...
Compile and run your application When you build new functionality, you create your code and run it often. This workflow allows you to assess what works correctly and what needs revisions. Both the visual approach and the command-line approach use simple commands that make the workflow easy to ...
then if I try to build this application by usingdotnet buildI am able to build but if I try to run by usingdotnet runit gives me the error as :Unhandled exception. System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly '/home/simu_linux/Test/HelloWorld/bin/Debug/net6.0/...
dotnet publish -c Debug -r win10-x64 The -c flag mean that you want to use the debug configuration (in other case you should use Release value) The -r flag means that your application will be run on the Windows platform with an x64 architecture. When the publish procedure will ...
Container names are unique, which means if you specify a name, you can't reuse that name to create a new container. The only way to reuse a specific name is to remove the previous container.How to run a containerTo start a container, use the docker run command. You only need to ...
Run `./dotnet-installer.sh --version 7.0.404 However I believe there is some sort of bug in the installer script when you use the other codespaces image or if you have already usedsudo apt-get install ... Also I feel likedotnetcommand line tool should just prompt the users to install ...
You can see more details in the initial proposal at thedotnet/designsrepository. Semantic versioning The .NETRuntimeroughly adheres toSemantic Versioning (SemVer), adopting the use ofMAJOR.MINOR.PATCHversioning, using the various parts of the version number to describe the degree and type of chang...
<repository root>/dotnet/samples/GettingStarted Execute dotnet user-secrets set “Key” “Value” for every key and value described below. Key Value OpenAI:ApiKey Your OpenAI key OpenAI:ChatModelId Model to use (i.e. gpt-3.5-turbo) i.e: dotnet user-secrets set “OpenAI:ChatModelId”...
services.AddHangfire(x =>x.UseInMemoryStorage()); services.AddHangfireServer(); }) .Build(); The call toAddHangfireServerregisters aBackgroundJobServerHostedService, which will handle all jobs in the designated database. To run a job in the background service, call the methodEnqueueon anI...
In the Firefox user agent, reset the changes that you made in step 1. To do this, follow these steps: Start Firefox, type about:configin the Firefox address bar. Scroll down or useFilterto find the following preference item: general.useragent.extra.microsoftdotnet ...