but it is not required to have a value. The #define directive tells the precompiler to create the macro variable, including an optional value. The #if directive tests whether the variable is defined, and optionally, whether it has a specific value. ...
How to: Use #define and #if to Test a Macro How to: Distinguish Between Precompile and Compile Error Messages How to: Use the #undef Directive How to: Use a Macro Value How to: Test a Macro Value Directives and Macros are Case-Insensitive ...
By using #if tests you can avoid overwriting a #define and a #globaldefine. But #if tests cannot distinguish between #define and #globaldefine macros.The following code sample is the closest you can come to achieving the #globaldefine semantic with other directives such as ...
How to: Use #define and #if to Test a Macro How to: Distinguish Between Precompile and Compile Error Messages How to: Use the #undef Directive How to: Use a Macro Value How to: Test a Macro Value Directives and Macros are Case-Insensitive How to: Use the #defInc and #defDec Direct...
How to: Create a Procedure Sub Procedures Function Procedures Property Procedures Operator Procedures Operator Procedures How to: Define an Operator How to: Define a Conversion Operator How to: Call an Operator Procedure Procedure Parameters and Arguments ...
Works Sales Model to your project and configured your project to use the Entity Framework. For more information, seeHow to: Use the Entity Data Model Wizard (Entity Framework)orHow to: Manually Configure an Entity Framework ProjectandHow to: Manually Define an Entity Data Model (Entity ...
The function I want to achieve: in the A column, whenever it contains the word "TPT" or word "TFT", then it returns "internal customer" in B column. The rest returns "external customer". I know how to do it in S...
If the functions inside the UDF do not use arguments (for example,NOW,TODAY, orRAND), then you can create a function withno arguments. Also, no arguments are needed if you are using a UDF to store constants (such as pi). After that, specify the variables that the UDF uses. The type...
Code Explanations: - To make the user defined function we start the code to function name and define the variables. We have used “For Each loops” in the code to count the words in the range. How to use this function in Excel?
In Microsoft Excel, you can create and use two types of names: Defined name- a name that refers to a single cell, range of cells, constant value, or formula. For example, when you define a name for a range of cells, it's called anamed range, ordefined range. These names are subje...