As we know, Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom designs without ever leaving your HTML. It comes with a set of utility classes that you can use to style your elements without having to write any CSS code....
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; @import url(';200;300;400;500;700;900&display=swap'); @layer base { html { font-family: Inter, system-ui, sans-serif; } } Now your default font is that one, and you ...
How to use Google Fonts with Nuxt.js and TailwindCSS If you want to use Google Fonts or maybe Adobe Typekit its really easy to achieve it with this setup. We will use the nuxt-webfontloader. npm install --save-dev nuxt-webfontloader# oryarn add -D nuxt-webfontloader Include the nuxt...
How to set a default font color in Tailwind CSS - Many Tailwind CSS developers struggle to set a default font color, resulting in inconsistent text styling and inefficient workflows due to frequent style overrides. Tailwind provides utility classes to se
When not to use Tailwind CSS While Tailwind CSS can be a great tool for rapid prototyping, there are instances where you should avoid using it. Here are a few of them: Legacy projects: It can be difficult to migrate an existing project to Tailwind CSS using a different CSS framework or ...
Tailwind width is a utility that allows you to set the width of an element. To use Tailwind width, you need to add the w- prefix followed by the desired width value to your HTML element class attribute.
<scriptsrc=""></script> Step 2: Customize the HTML Content Using Tailwind Built-in Classes Once the CDN is added, use the built-in Tailwind classes to customize your HTML content. Here in this section, the “Font Size”, “Text Align”, and the “Text Color...
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework. Utility-first means it has a set of small reusable utility classes that we can use alone or together to create modern and complex designs easily. So instead of writing custom CSS to make a paragraph bold, we can directly use font-bold and th...
Tailwind provides built-in “aspect-{ratio}” utilities such as “auto()”, “square(1:1)”, and “video(16:9)” to control the aspect ratio of the specified element.
Tailwind Sample, Gary Woodfine Initialise Tailwind You are going to need Node installed to use Tailwind, which is relatively a simple process to do using Homebrew and using Node Version Manager, How to Install Node Version Manager on Ubuntu Linux will guide you through the process, of doing ...