You need to create an “Unallocated”partition on Windows 10which should at least have14GB or morespace. I have provided 100GB of space, but you can choose your own partition size. Having said that, make sure to follow these rules so that you don’t encounter errors during the installatio...
Click on the Parallels Desktop icon in the Chrome launcher and launch the setup process to download and install the zip file on your machine. From this point, Windows 10 should open naturally, and you're good to go. Additional users for your organization can repeat this process to use Windo...
In order to run EXE files on your Chromebook, you will have to make use of Wine. Wine is a compatibility layer that allows you to install and run exe files for Windows programs. Wine is not a Windows emulator, as it translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls right away. Now, let’...
You cannot get the Wi-Fi password without entering developer mode, so don’t skip this step. If you wonder how to see the Wi-Fi password on your Chromebook, you will still need to enter this mode. 2. Get the password in the ChromebookCrosh shell PressCtrl+Alt+Tto enter Crosh shell. ...
To access root shell press Ctrl+Alt+T this will open the terminal window. Next type shell in the Crosh shell window and press Enter to get full bash shell. You can now run commands with the sudo command to run them with the developer mode switched on for your Chromebook. ...
here is a screenshot with today's d/l crouton, steps were: boot chromebook, crosh/shell/sudo starxfce4 which came up fine, didn't have last session windows, but did have old desktop settings, verified that screensaver was disabled on apps menu/screensaver, ps ax | grep saver showed it...
Upon attempting to execute git command commands in Crosh on a Chromebook, I encountered this message. The current working directory cannot be read due to a fatal error: the file or directory does not exist. The local files were stored on a portable storage device (specifically, an SDXC card...
old machines. In fact, I would go as far as to say that, if you are a general user then you should use Chrome OS over Windows 10 for its amazing performance and battery life. And with the Play Store support, you can actually run Android and Linux apps on your PC. How cool is ...