use navigator without flow mixing upgrading views to flow routes this step is needed in case your vaadin 7 or 8 application uses navigator. if it isn’t the case, go back to the framework selection . the navigation with mpr can be done in three ways. you can choose the one most ...
feature GitHub Copilot: Everything you need to know Nov 25, 202415 mins feature Visual Studio Code vs. Sublime Text: Which code editor should you use? Oct 28, 202410 mins Show me more news Anthropic’s upgraded Console targets more collaboration among developers ...
5. Use library in UI5 app Add Example control from the library to the view of the UI5 app. When you execute the app, you will still get this error. Notice that the browser is trying to get Example.js file from CDN ( When you open the browser and ...
In most web browsers, Ctrl+Space does not have predefined functionality. However, web applications or websites can implement custom keyboard shortcuts, and it's possible that some web-based applications may use Ctrl+Space for specific actions within their interface. It's always recommended to chec...
For JDBC connection, you need to establish a database tunnel. If you have connected to you Hana cloud instance through eclipse, it has already done so. But, the logon credentials are not available in Eclipse To fetch the logon credentails, go the place where you have the Hana SDK and ...
Select the relevant realm from top left hand corner dropdown. For MyEclipse 8.5, choose Eclipse – Galileo. For MyEclipse 9.x, choose Eclipse – Helios. For MyEclipse 10.x, choose Eclipse – Indigo. Expand and click on Ready to use Profiles > Popular ...
“Copy projects into workspace” and is a checkbox in the lower section of the import dialog; by default it is not checked, so, if you want to create a standalone workspace, you must ensure that you check this box, otherwise you will not be able to delete your old workspace, without ...
in flow show sub-pages of legacy styling features legacy styling features show sub-pages of material theme material theme typography color flow cssimport annotation show sub-pages of tools tools show sub-pages of copilot copilot internationalization show sub-pages of start start editable views show...
Microsoft Previews Copilot AI for Open-Source Eclipse IDE Catering to Java jockeys, Microsoft is yet again expanding the sprawling reach of its Copilot-branded AI assistants, previewing a coding tool for the open-source Eclipse IDE. Visual Studio 2022 v17.13 Ships: 'Meet GitHub Copilot Free'...
Microsoft Teams, and its generative AI tool known as Microsoft Copilot, is focused on improving the quality and functionality of hybrid meetings. Aimed at making collaboration “smarter,” Microsoft Copilot has the ability to provide insights from a meeting chat in addition to a meeting transcript...