A: The coordinate projection transformation class SuperMap.Projection provided by JavaScript is used to transform projection on the client. For the custom coordinate system, you need to introduce the Proj4js.js package (../exampless/proj4js/lib/); For ex
Hello, I am interested in changing the position of the coordinate system used by Fluent. The reason is that I am using a UDF where I define the
Then in the builder you can acces the csys by calling the method Csys(). Dont forget to destroy the builder Selected as BestLikeReply2 likes cowski2 4 years ago As @elias.ghossein says, using the datum csys builder is a good way to get this. Alternately, you can use the .AskDat...
How to to assign a coordinate system in Map 3D or Civil 3D drawing. Follow bellow solutions to assign coordinate systems in Map 3D or Civil 3D: Drawing Settings Open the Settings tab in the Toolspace. Right-click on the DWG and "Edit drawing settings". S
Use the Define Projection tool to provide the layer with a spatial reference. In this example, the 'GCS_NAD_1983_2011' coordinate system is used. Open the attribute table. In the attribute table of the layer, note that the date style in the 'DATEUTC' field is not consistent, as shown...
Hi, Does anyone know how to change coordinate system in translational-joints. In the reFerence coordinate system as default is used Reference Coordinate system, it is the input coord. system. I want to use stops in x direction but for another coord. syst
In Fanuc control you have a way to define the Work coordinate system in the program. This overwrites the register in the controller. One step further.. with CAM the positions are known, because you have the machine-simulation. In this case you don't even nee...
It is not possible to use Transform on models in the "Shared" folder in Model Coordination. To fix the misaligned coordinate system in the source models Check the export settings of the authoring (source) software that was used to export the...
satellites. Each one is referred to as abirdand uses radio waves to communicate with other satellites to determine an exact location on the earth. These satellites use the World Geodetic System, known as WGS84, as its reference coordinate system. WGS84's coordinate origin is the center of ...
how to use different coordinate system in one simulation (BC)without have this error:"following attributes are applied to overlapping, intersecting, or adjoining regions in differing coordinate systems: BC-1(BC), BC-2(BC), BC-3(BC), BC-4(BC), BC-5(BC) the input file was not generated...