-q: Either an inline SOQL query (in double quotes, to account for the spaces), or a file path pointing to a query file. -p: This tells the command to generate a query plan for a multi-level query (in our case account and contacts), and to save it to a file. -d: A file pat...
For best performance, SOQL queries must be selective. You may receive an error message when a non-selective query in a trigger executes against an object that contains more than 100,000 records. To avoid this error, ensure that the query is selective. Check outSOQL Best Practices. How do I...
Contains the Record Unique Identifier; this is helpful in case we would like to track the records added to SObject Step 17. <success>. Contains the status of the POST Request. In this case, it is “true,” which shows that the last create operation on the custom SObject...
I use REST request like: https://metaintegration-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com//services/data/v58.0/sobjects/SSh_Custom_Object__c/describe and get Json
"operation":"query", "query":"SELECT Id, Name\r\nFROM Account" } The above is for below (with a new line) Transact-SQL 1 2 SELECTId,Name FROMAccount Create Job – Call Bulk API to Read / Query using SOQL Now Click Test Request (Copy theJobIdwhich we will use in the Variable ...