In this tutorial, you will learn how to filter data in Excel in different ways: how to create filters for text values, numbers and dates, how to use filter with search, and how to filter by color or by selected cell's value. You will also learn how to remove filters, and how to f...
Provides a way to enable theFilter with keyboard shortcut. Select a cell in the range and pressCTRL+SHIFT+L. Excel will add aFilterbutton to every column in the range. Note:If you want toapply multiple filters in Excelto the whole range of your data, select a random cell or the whole...
What Is The “If Cell Contains ”Formula In Excel? The "If Cell Contains" formula in Excel is a logical function used to check whether a specific cell contains a value of interest. This value could be any text or number, specific text, or simply checking if the cell is not empty. The...
Microsoft Excel basic terms How to create an Excel spreadsheet How to save an Excel file How to add data to your spreadsheet How to format data in Excel How to create a table in Excel How to sort and filter in Excel How to edit rows and columns in Excel How to use formulas in Exce...
Method 2 – Use the Text Filter to Find Values that Equals Specific Text We can also utilize the Excel text filter to identify values that equal or match a specific string of characters. In this example, we’ll filter all the rows where the productcategoryisMemoryusing theEqualsoption of th...
Here is an example to show you how to use an advanced Excel filter to limit the records that are displayed to those that satisfy stringent requirements. You must enter the criteria on the worksheet before using the Advanced Filter. Create a Criteria rang
The tutorial shows how to use Advanced Filter in Excel and provides a number of non-trivial criteria range examples to create a case-sensitive filter, find matches and differences between two columns, extract records that match a smaller list, and more.
Click on the drop-down arrow next to the header column of the data you wish to filter, and then clickText Filters. Choosecontains…from the first drop down, and then type a word into the second drop down, e.g.,Science. This filter for any rows where the text contains “science” (...
Thearrayargument is the data you are including to filter on (C5:N9). Theincludeargument is the row that contains the filter criteria (e.g., Make in Row 6) and must then match the filter criteria (i.e., C11). The[if empty]is optional and is the text that is returned if no data...
Specifically, we’ll select column 3 (“col_indexnum”) since it contains the pricing details for the products. To ensure accuracy in retrieving the desired information, we’ll set the “range_lookup” as FALSE. This ensures that VLOOKUP finds and returns the exact value or information linked...