By understanding the various parts of speech that “accord” can assume, you can wield this versatile word with precision and eloquence in your writing. Examples Of Using Accord In A Sentence In order to truly understand how to use the word “accord” in a sentence, it is essential to expl...
When people see a sentence in English, they enjoy a link words to each other. Because of this linking the words in a sentence do not always sound the same as we they are said individually. Sound leaking is probably the biggest problem for learns of English. When they try to understand a...
How to useinferredin a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the wordinferred? Here are some examples. Sentence Examples The IP address is recorded and the geolocationinferredfrom the IP address is stored in the database. What substance this is can beinferredfrom the deliverances of ...
As a copywriter, I have come across numerous instances where the proper use of language can make or break the effectiveness of a sentence. One such phrase that often requires careful consideration is “as same as.” In this article, we will explore the proper way to use “as same as” ...
How do you use hang on in a sentence? hold the phone line open. hang on to your dreams. He has not a peg to hang on. Hang on! ... Hang on! ... Hang on with your hands, I will lift you up. Don't hang on to him, he has many things to do. ...
You can know everything in the world and still make bad decisions. When to use can? Can is alsoused to suggest something might happen in the future("If you finish your homework, we can go to the movies."). Can, like could and would, is used to ask a polite question, but can is...
Numberone: It'sokaytofeelfakeatfirst.第一:一开始感觉假是正常的。Here'sthething, whenyou'relearninganewsoundyou'reusingdifferentmuscles.事情是这样的,当你学习一个新的声音时,你会使用不同的肌肉。You'redoingthingsthatyou'renotusedtodoing.你在做你不习惯做的事情。Consideringyoudon'thavethesoundin...
However, you can switch around your words to make the direct or indirect objects the subject of the sentence, known as the passive voice. As explained in our guide to the passive voice, you can make a verb passive by adding a conjugated form of be in front of its past participle. ...
This can also be a restating of the word. Consider this sentence: 'While planning the party, Susan was prudent with the guest list, acting with great caution and care not to invite anyone with whom she wouldn't want to jump around in a bounce house.' Synonyms and Antonyms ...
Becauseifyouhaveabeliefthatyouareaterriblecommunicatororthatyouareneverclear, soyourbrainisalwaysgoingtofollowupwiththisbelief.因为如果你认为自己是一个糟糕的沟通者,或者你从来都不清楚,那么你的大脑就会一直跟着这个想法走。Youknow, ifyousaytoyourself, "I'malwaysscattered" or "I'malwaysrepetitive", you'...