There are different types of conjunctions, but for now, we’ll keep it simple. (You’re welcome!) When should you use commas with conjunctions? Comma before so Do use a comma before so if it precedes an independent clause. The pet store was fresh out of kitten toys, so I had to ...
First of all, both “以致 (yǐ zhì)” and “致使 (zhì shǐ)” can be used as conjunctions, both indicating the meaning of a certain result for a certain reason. However, when “以致 (yǐ zhì)” is used as a conjunction, it means that the afore-mentioned situation lead...
Only perfect practice makes perfect.” So many of us think we know coordinating conjunctions so well, but correlative conjunctions are a horse of a different color. Only through practicing how to use them correctly can we master their use. Other than the fact that it’s fun to say “...
Two common sentence constructions we use in the English language areneither/norandeither/or. Both of these phrases arecorrelative conjunctions: pairs of conjunctions that connect words or phrases within a sentence. So how exactly doneither/norandeither/orwork? We useeither/orto affirm each of two...
(1)First,write some sentences about habits according to the chart. (2)Second,write the good habits first,then the bad ones;and make them in correct order.What's more,you should use some conjunctions correctly,such as however and also. 3.Check the composition and let some students read the...
Marry Norris:Connect the first part of a sentence with another clause that’s closely related to it, okay, without using a conjunction. Narrator:But semicolons should never go before a coordinating conjunctions, like and, but, or, or so....
Now you understand how to properly useas well asin your writing. It’s quite common for people to overuse conjunctions likeas well asorandin their sentences. Always run your writing throughProWritingAidto check for any unintended repeats. ...
Using dashes instead of words is generally incorrect because it can obscure meaning, as conjunctions, prepositions, and other parts of speech are essential for showing relationships between nouns. Here’s an example: “She wanted to go to the beach—it was raining.” The sentence would be clear...
Parts of Speech: Familiarize yourself with the eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Knowing how each functions allows you to construct grammatically correct sentences. For example, understanding the difference betw...
As conjunctions the difference between though and notwithstanding. is thatthough is despite the factthat; although while notwithstanding is although. How do you use nonetheless in a sentence? Nonetheless Sentence Examples Furious at Jessi, he was nonetheless concerned. ...