Run the following commands to configure the build: $ ./configure [ options ] NOTE: If you are building Erlang/OTP from git you will need to run ./otp_build autoconf to generate the configure scripts. By default, Erlang/OTP release will be installed in /usr/local/{bin,lib/erlang}. ...
io:fwrite("Hello, world!\n"). Note: Comment in Erlang starts with %. 2. Make sure Erlang command line interpreter is installed on your system Make sure Erlang compiler is installed on your system as shown below. $ whereis erlc erlc: /usr/bin/erlc /usr/share/man/man1/erlc.1.gz Ins...
Note: You’ll use the –enable-js-trunk only if you’ve installed the latest version (anything newer than js185-1.0.0) of the SpiderMonkey JS engine. I recommend that you use –enable-js-trunk option. If you are not using the latest version of spidermonekey JS engine, you may want ...
Run the following commands to configure the build: $ ./configure [ options ] By default, Erlang/OTP release will be installed in /usr/local/{bin,lib/erlang}. If you for instance don't have the permission to install in the standard location, you can install Erlang/OTP somewhere else. ...
In order to find out what’s the corrupted term we need to dive into the assembly code of theio_lib:format/2. You can generate a human-friendly Erlang assembly with the following command:erlc -S lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erlin the OTP source directory. ...
See the +a command-line argument in the documentation of erl(1). Without async-threads the emulator is not as vulnerable to this bug, but if you hit it without async-threads the only workaround available is to enable async-threads and increase the stack size of the async-threads. Sun ...