So, developers must use the className attribute instead. In JSX, className attributes must be set equal to strings. A simple definition with multiple classes would look like this: Hi! Try edit me Alternatively, the className attribute can be set equal to a JavaScript expression that returns a...
I am trying to convert the below code to cva.. {, index) => { const isActive = item.key === SOMETHING; return ( ... }); I am trying this way - const textContentCva = cva("", { variants: { variant: { inverted: "hover:...
How to Toggle Classes in ReactJS How to Dynamically Apply className Values in React How to Use CLSX to Conditionally Apply Classes in React How to Use Multiple Class Names in ReactCopyright © 2024. All right reserved About US Write For Us Privacy Policy Advertising Contact ...
There are many ways to then display the pets. UsingObject.keysandfilterwhat I usually use in this situation. However, it really depends on your requirements. In the case of arbitrarily adding pets, you'll need to useprops.setValueswhich allows you to declaratively callsetStateon just the ke...
{"@material-ui/core":"^4.0.0","react":"^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0","react-dom":"^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0"},"dependencies": {"clsx":"^1.1.0","hoist-non-react-statics":"^3.3.0"},"bugs": {"url":""},"funding": {"type":"...
i write next use nextauth-v5 I made that mistake when i start next source Next.js Load Failure After Today's Prisma Update and Subsequent Database Interaction Issue After Applying Workaround 🚨🛠️ Today, I updated Prisma to the latest version in my Next.js application and faced a sig...
functionToggle(){const[enabled,setEnabled]=useState(false);useEffect(()=>{setEnabled(Math.random()>0.5);},[]);consttoggle=()=>setEnabled((old)=>!old);return(<motion.divclassName="flex aspect-square h-full flex-row items-center justify-center overflow-clip rounded-full bg-white p-1 text...
Then we pass these values to our Testimonial cards as props. Inside the component, they’re used inside the style prop: functionTestimonial({className,children,parallax}:TestimonialProps){...return(<motion.divclassName={clsx('text-md flex aspect-[3/4] h-96 flex-col items-center justify-betwe...
(__dirname,'._next/static/media'),type:'javascript/esm',// Explicitly set type to ESMuse: [ {loader:'babel-loader',// Use Babel loader to transpile the JS filesoptions: {presets: [ ['@babel/preset-env', {targets: {esmodules:true,// Transpile to ES modules}, }, ], ]...
clsxw25 Technical User Nov 29, 2012 1 0 0 GB I am just starting to use Attachmate reflection as Attachmate extra does not provide ssh In attachmate extra I was able to obtain a session which displayed several components in different coloours. IE Green when active, red when faulty and wh...