Some of the findings, as with the "me/mom" circuit, buttress longstanding notions of cultural differences. For instance, it is a cultural cliche that Westerners focus on individual objects while East Asians pay attention to context and background (another manifestation of the individualism-...
BEIJING, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- "A strong buttress to the blue flag (of the UN)" was how Csaba Korosi, president of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), depicted China in late September last year. The UN official, who took the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the ...
BEIJING, June 7 (Xinhua) -- China has aligned its fiscal strength with pro-ecology and low-carbon efforts to fast-track the pursuit of its carbon goals. A recent guideline issued by the Ministry of Finance has specified plans to buttress the goals of striving to peak carbon dioxide emission...
how to use the shape memory alloy to buttress attachmentPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an improved surgical stapling device.メーガン エル. ストペック
An autobiography is your life story from birth to the present. A memoir is theme-oriented with anecdotes from your life that buttressa specific theme. Too manyauthorswrite a memoir because they believe their lives are so interesting that even strangers would enjoy a detailed account. ...
It stands at the intersection of business and technology and adopts a set of systems and procedures to collect information and buttress decision-making. MIS reporting is a part of Management Information System, a real-time business approach enterprises adopt to generate and track business data and ...
These kinds of temperatures are especially useful for NASA, which subjects its spacecraft to high heat as they re-enter Earth's atmosphere. Some tunnels omit air entirely and instead use water. Water flows much like air, but it has greater density than air and is more visible, too. Those...
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The heir to that line today is William F. Baker, SOM structural and civil engineering partner—and in many ways the guiding light of the flagship Chicago office—the man whose buttressed-core concept made possible Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the current global record holder for building height....
Climbing has the power to take lives. TheSteck-Salathétook Derek Hersey (36). Denali’s South Buttress swallowed Mugs Stump (42). Leaning Tower took Todd Skinner, four days before his 48th birthday. Thousands of others have died, too. ...