draw.pathtosystem Displays a slider with default value -1. When a ship is selected a path will be rendered from the ship’s system towards the system corresponding to the ID in the slider. An ETA is displayed for every jump made. ETA says “X Days”, but seems to be 10x the amount...
Create a circle about 65 pixels in diameter, fill it with white, no outline, use the Feather slider up on the Standard Bar (usually), and set the value to about 22 pixels. Then move the circle over to the upper left of the bean, as shown in Figure 14. Ctrl+S is probably a good...
If you addressed me, I'm going to address you back. Not a huge deal. You can also be used in a plural sense - so folks on the side you're debating on behalf of, can take this as they will. I'll say 'yous guys' from now on if you're offended by my ...
The use of counterfeit watches has increased over the past decade due to the rise of social media and Instagram, which has made it easier for people to showcase their style and fashion. Counterfeit watches are also powered by celebrities such as Serena Gomez. Serena Gomez wears watches on var...
and we did nothing to respond. We didn't get into their bullpen to use their main weapons. We didn't do our job. We made our task harder. So I wanted to let everybody know that if we stuck together, did what we do, played our way, that didn't matter. I wanted to reiterate...
Game saving feels like a fairly benign topic at first. However, if you stop to reflect on the issue, the mechanics of progress saving have a dramatic impact on your gaming experience.