To use bloc_test, we need to add the bloc_test package to the pubspec.yaml file. When you are in the project directory, it will be enough to run the following command from the console: flutter pub add bloc_test It is also a good idea to get the Equatable package to be able to us...
flutter_bloc: shared_preferences: firebase_auth: cloud_firestore: google_sign_in: flutter_facebook_login: The first two aren’t related to Firebase but are going to be frequently used in the project. The last two are, hopefully, self-explanatory. Finally, we need to configure platform-speci... text In this article, I will explain how to use flutter dio (4.0.0) to make network calls, and how to use refresh tokens and access tokens in your flutter app to handle 401 when authorizing. Befor...
One more question, how should I redirect to login from the service? I currently use flutter bloc, and after app loads, I call getUserInfo endpoint, should I when use await and receive a response? But what should I return, can you give an example? YoussefGheith commented May 14, 2021 ...
To use this with Flutter, we can add a.envfile at the root of the project: # example .env fileTMDB_KEY=a1b2c33d4e5f6g7h8i9jakblc# add more keys here if needed And since this file contains our API key, we should add it to.gitignore: ...
Why we have to think about state in flutter (Beginner's question) Pawneshwer Gupta August 08, 2020 FlutterFlutter 1.20, Dart 2.9 and VSCode, what's new and what's left Pawneshwer Gupta August 05, 2020 FlutterWhy use RxDart and how to use with BLoC Pattern in Flutter? Pawneshwer ...
We can also run asynchronous code inside any event listeners, such asBlocListenerfromflutter_blocorref.listen()fromRiverpod. Conclusion: DO and DON'T The examples above should give us a better understanding of what we can and cannot do. Once again: ...
Before diving into a code let me give you a short intro about the packages we are gonna use. http package: Beginner-friendly package for making network calls. cached_network_image: Used to load and cache network images. flutter_staggered_grid_view: A Flutter staggered grid view which ...
I have the following issue. I have a TextFormField where the user has to put some data (for example his email). I am using a validator , but when the error raises from the TextFormField's validator, the error message and my TextFormField's values are not