Rest 30 to 60-seconds and repeat twice more and use BFR bands for an even better pump. 7. Do drop sets Drop setsare one of the simplest ways to get a pump. Simply rep out to failure, reduce the weight by 10-15 percent, and rep out again. Reduce the weight by another 10-15 per...
Attia polishes off every strength workout withblood flow restriction (BFR) training—a practice that involves putting a cuff on a target muscle to reduce blood flow out of the area. BFR allows you to work at a lower intensity (less weight) while building comparable strength and muscle mass ...
Children often learn behaviour from the adults around them subconsciously.To illustrate, around 50% of children who are brought up by aggressive parents often use aggression to solve their own problems later in life. Parents should be responsible for teaching their children right and wrong. If,for...