已在本地计算机上安装了 Azure 存储资源管理器。 若要安装适用于 Windows、Macintosh 或 Linux 的 Azure 存储资源管理器,请参阅 Azure 存储资源管理器。 备注 在使用 Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 时,存储资源管理器会使用 Blob (blob) 和 Data Lake Storage Gen2 (dfs) 终结点。 如果使用专用终...
Perform operations on Azure Queue Storage via PowerShell. With Azure Queue Storage, you can store large numbers of messages that are accessible by HTTP or HTTPS.
Azure 导入/导出用例 “导入/导出”组件 “导入/导出”的工作原理是什么? 上市区域 显示另外 3 个 使用Azure 导入/导出服务,可将磁盘驱动器寄送到 Azure 数据中心,从而安全地将大量数据导出到 Azure Blob 存储和 Azure 文件。 此外,还可以使用此服务将数据从 Azure Blob 存储传输到磁盘驱动器,然后再寄送到本地...
Article that shows you how to use a secured storage account in a virtual network as the default storage account for a function app in Azure Functions.
Azure Data Box The Data Box Disk has 7TB of usable space and comes in the format of small hard disks, in a similar vain to the types of hard drives we use at home to back up our family photo memories. You can request up to five Data Box disks at any one time. ...
As the documentation (Creating the Azure storage class), it is possible to configure Ultra Disks in aStorageClass. But in IPI installations, theUltraSSDcapability is not enabled by default. It is needed to enable that capability in the VMs to allow them to use that kind of disks. ...
Step 1 – Set up an Azure Storage Account This is quite straightforward in theAzure portal. Just create a storage account. You do need to provide an account name. Each storage account can have many “containers” so you can share the same storage account between several sites if you want....
Connection to <your-storage-account> 445 port [tcp/microsoft-ds] succeeded! 如果您無法在公司網路上開啟連接埠 445,或是 ISP 不讓您開啟此連接埠,則可以使用 VPN 連線或 ExpressRoute 來處理連接埠 445。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱直接 Azure 檔案共用存取 的網路考慮。
To use Azure Storage, you need to download and use the Ruby Azure package, which includes a set of convenience libraries that communicate with the storage REST services.Use RubyGems to obtain the packageUse a command-line interface such as PowerShell (Windows), Terminal (Mac), or Bash (...
Create an Azure Storage account To use Azure storage, you'll need a storage account. You can create a storage account by following these steps. (You can also create a storage account by using the Azure service management client library or the service managementREST API.) ...