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Using Azure diagnostics to gather data from Azure cloud Services for debugging, measuring performance, monitoring, traffic analysis, and more.
How to use Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) with a .NET Framework Self-Hosted OWIN WebAPI I have been trying to get a simple self-hosted OWIN WebAPI running from within a legacy Windows Service app. I got it to work without any issues until I tried adding Microsoft Entra ...
TL:DR - How can create a Azure DevOps Service Connection which uses an Azure Service Principal credentials as it's auth, which can then be used in a NuGetAuthenticate@0 Azure DevOps pipeline task to restore packages. Thanks, @adan_11 To use an Azure AD Service...
The Azure Maps Web SDK provides a Map Control that enables the customization of interactive maps with your own content and imagery for display in your web or mobile applications. This module is a helper library that makes it easy to use the Azure Maps REST services in web or Node.js applic...
傳統的 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) 或 Active Directory 同盟服務 (AD FS) 可以直接在網路上驗證,並由 AD DS 基礎結構處理。 使用混合式驗證時,使用者可以改為直接登入 Microsoft Entra ID。 若要支援此混合式驗證方法,請使用Microsoft Entra Connect將內部部署 AD DS 環境同步至 Microsoft Entra...
but still allow users to log onto Azure AD authenticated resources such as Office 365. The test accounts can log into only the specified workstation when the setting is enabled. Which is the expected outcome but when this is enabled and the user attempts to log...
I can only find documentation for the other way round or for integration Azure AD into the AWS Console. The reason could be that this feature just went from beta to production a few weeks ago. azure amazon-web-services identity federated Share Improve this question Follow asked Aug 21, ...
Once youdownloaded Azure AD Connect, navigate to Windows Installer Package (.msi) and double-click on the file. In the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect wizard, agree to the license terms by checking the box. ClickContinue. If you have a verified domain, theUse ...
Although Azure AD allows you to import group members in bulk, it does not support other bulk operations such as group creation or modification. Therefore, admins need to spend a colossal amount of time creating and managing these groups individually. This could take a toll on administrat...