Yes, I took three videos at 60fps, stacked about 3000 frames or so with autostakkert and then processed in registax 6. It's really fun to do it this way. I think my next buy will be some goto SCT or Mak as I really enjoy the challenges of planetary. Also being in Bortle 5 I ...
Learning how to photograph the moon is a gateway niche to astrophotography. It's easy to do and doesn't require as much equipment as star or Milkyway photography.
I'm trying to process my 1st H-alpha image and am having trouble opening the stacked (autostackkert) file in imppg. I've run autostackkert OK and think I have a pretty good aligned stack of images but when I open imppg I'm not sure what I'm looking at. It seems there are a ...
Post-processing different types of astroimages calls for different techniques and software. For example, solar system imaging employs many different pieces of software, but much of it is available for free or for a donation. Examples include Firecapture, SharpCap, Autostakkert!, PIPP, ImPPG, and...