If you wish to set, or check, the TeX Live version used to compile your project please refer to thisOverleaf blog postor the following graphic: If you want to build your Overleaf project offline using latexmk, you may want to use a copy of Overleaf’s LatexMk file to ensure it applies ...
By default, Overleaf instructs latexmk to use a compilation mode that we (Overleaf) refer to asTry to compile despite errors. In that compilation mode the LaTeX compiler does not stop, despite encounteringLaTeX compile errors; a PDF might be produced, even if it contains incorrect output. Ofte...
By default, Overleaf instructs latexmk to use a compilation mode that we (Overleaf) refer to asTry to compile despite errors. In that compilation mode the LaTeX compiler does not stop, despite encounteringLaTeX compile errors; a PDF might be produced, even if it contains incorrect output. Ofte...
If you want to build your Overleaf project offline using latexmk, you may want to use a copy of Overleaf’s LatexMk file to ensure it applies Overleaf’s build process—note Overleaf’s job name is set to output. Overleaf compiles projects using latexmk's-cdcommand-line flag, and compilati...