Normally, when you use the vlookup function to return the corresponding value of a specific data, the result does not recognize case sensitivity in text values, which can be frustrating when there are multiple values with different cases. However, here’s a useful formula to help solve this ta...
For example, if you're looking for the word "apple," it will match both "apple" and "Apple" in the lookup range. If you need a case-sensitive lookup, you will need to use an array formula with a combination of other functions, such as MATCH and INDEX, to achieve the desired result...
Learn how to use VLOOKUP to concatenate multiple corresponding values in Excel with formulas, UDFs, or Kutools for faster results, all in a single cell or list.
The vlookup function returns the #N/A error if the lookup value is not present in the first column of the table array. To handle this error, you can use the IFERROR function in combination with the vlookup function. The IFERROR function allows you to specify a value to return if the ...
To write the VLOOKUP formula in cell F2, follow these steps: Type =VLOOKUP( Use cellE2as the lookup value Select the range of cellsB5:F17which defines the table where the data is stored (the table array argument) Insert5as the col_index_number argument as we are looking to retrieve dat...
Array form:The formula for the array form of the lookup function is“=LOOKUP(lookup_value, array).” Q2. Why do we use lookup in Excel? Answer:Excel’s lookup function is useful for finding a specific record, closest match, or corresponding value to a given value. ...
vlookup formula in excel Learn to use VLOOKUP in Excel in a pro manner Step 1: Arranging the data Firstly, to use the VLOOKUP function make sure that your data arrangement is perfect and suitable to use the function. VLOOKUP executes in a left-to-right manner. Equally important, you must...
Before we get intoVLOOKUP()with multiple criteria, let's first review the basic syntax ofVLOOKUP(), which is as follows: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) Powered By In the above formula: lookup_valueis the value you want to search for. This can be ...
Explore the ins and outs of VLOOKUP in Excel with our detailed guide. Enhance your data analysis skills and your workflow by mastering the art of VLOOKUP.
VLOOKUP(D14,IF(C3:C12=D15,B3:F12,""),3,FALSE) returns "The New Firm" in cell D16. Back to top 1.2 How to use the VLOOKUP function with two conditions applied to two columns (OR logic)? This example demonstrates a formula that returns a value from a record that matches at least...