How to use an API: A tutorial for beginnersBy Cecilia Gillen· June 4, 2024I am unabashedly a couch potato. I order groceries, get food delivered, map out how long the drive is to Barnes & Noble, and check the weather to confirm that staying inside is the best course of action—all...
Finally, you can just add a new prompt. For our blog example, I edited the prompt to tell ChatGPT to “Use related keywords ‘how to contour’ and ‘highlighting for beginners.’” It gave me a great outline, but the introduction was bland and cliché. So I just added a new prompt:...
ChatGPT is versatile and offers users a wide range of benefits. However, users who are not familiar with technology and AI techniques may find it difficult to use. Moreover, ChatGPT needs the users to ask questions specifically to generate accurate and reliable information which is something new...
Dockerfile is a plain text document that Docker uses to package all the application and their components into an image. The image contains everything needed for the application to run on your machine. Typically, the image cuts down an operating system, runtime environment, application files, thi...
It can be done using Imperative programming pattern by a shell script: Here we specify how to create the user and what commands to use on theoperating system. However, it can be done using Declarative programming pattern with only a few lines of puppet code, Puppet domain specific language ...
a website, API and database have to be connected together. This is what Docker Compose allows us to do. We can create a file that defines how containers are connected with one another. We can use this file to instantiate all of the Dockerfiles for all of our containers ...
that are commonly used to wrap the API into easy to use functions by doing the API calls itself. When using a wrapper, you don’t have to care what’s going on behind the scenes, which sometimes can be easier for a beginner. Think of it as a interface between python and a web serv...
Tutorial #1:GitHub Tutorial For Developers | How To Use GitHub[This Tutorial] Tutorial #2:GitHub Projects, Teams, Fork & Wiki For Documenting Projects Tutorial #3:Advanced Git Commands And GitHub Integration Tutorial Tutorial #4:GitHub REST API Tutorial – REST API Support In GitHub ...
Canvais a revolution in graphic design. While more sophisticated applications always existed, only experienced graphic designers could work with them. However, Canva made everyone a graphic designer. In this guide for beginners, we will show youhow to use Canvato create graphics. ...
Please describe the documentation Currently the Scroll API does not provide any examples. It would be great if these could be provided, such that it would be easier to use for beginners. Describe where the documentation should for The Sc...