To rename the MySQL table, the “ALTER TABLE <existing-name> RENAME <new-name>;” and the “RENAME TABLE <existing-name> TO <new-name>;” statements are used.
We use the “CHANGE” command and the “ALTER” command to RENAME an existing column. We can change the table names with the command “RENAME”. The MySQL Rename command is used to rename the existing table or an existing column. We can use “Alter” to rename the table, but renaming ...
MySQL INDEX can be said as a data organization in a database table that helps to progress the speed of the several operations taking place in MySQL and helps to optimize the database. We implement INDEX in MySQL to create indexes using one or multiple columns in a table database to have ...
ALTER command can be used to add or remove constraints for an existing table. Let’s see an example of a FOREIGN KEY Constraint that needs to be added between 2 tables. We will use the ALTER command to add FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT in the Employee table for the employee_department table. Ad...
GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, REFERENCES, RELOAD on *.* TO'sammy'@'localhost'WITH GRANT OPTION; Copy Note that this statement also includesWITH GRANT OPTION. This will allow your MySQL user to grant any permissions that it has to other users on the system. ...
Note:To use the CREATE USER command, the user should have CREATE_USER privilege or insert grant forMySQLsystem schema. In the simplest form, the syntax for CREATE USER command is as below: CREATE USER [IF NOT EXISTS] '{username}'@'{hostname}' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwordString}'; ...
RENAMETABLE[old_name]TO[new_name]; In our example, we use this command as: RENAMETABLEEmployees_dataTOmyEmployee_data; The name has been changed now to verify it we will open the table by its new name. DESCRIBEmyEmployee_data; We can also rename the table by using theALTERcommand. The...
MySQL Alter Table statement is used to add, modify, drop or delete column in a table you can also use MySQL Alter Table statement to rename the table. In this article I will show you how to add column in a table. ADD COLUMN IN TABLE ...
| Shutdown | Server Admin | To shut down the server | | Super | Server Admin | To use KILL thread, SET GLOBAL, CHANGE MASTER, etc. | | Trigger | Tables | To use triggers | | Create tablespace | Server Admin | To create/alter/drop tablespaces | ...
2. Log into the MySQL shell: mysql -u [username] -p[password] 3. Use theRENAME TABLEcommand to change the table name: RENAME TABLE [old-database].[table-name] TO [new-database].[table-name]; Replace[table-name]with the name of a table in the existing[old-database]database. Repe...