Enable PCRE JIT to speed up processing of regular expressions Activate the cache for connections to upstream servers Make an exact location match to speed up the selection process Use limit_conn to improve limiting the download speed Hardening (31) Always keep NGINX up-to-date Run as an unpri...
Although the possibility of being addicted to cannabis is low when compared to other drugs like tobacco, whenever you use the drug for a long time you can get addicted. This means therefore that you will not be able to do your day to day activities without using cannabis. Cannabis has two...
Paul tried to disrupt a siege: he changed passwords for all of his accounts and instructed managers of local restaurants not to deliver anything to their address unless it was prepaid in full. He also reached Oswego Police Department and asked them to call ahead to verify that an emergency wa...
Enable PCRE JIT to speed up processing of regular expressions Activate the cache for connections to upstream servers Make an exact location match to speed up the selection process Use limit_conn to improve limiting the download speed Hardening (28) Always keep NGINX up-to-date Run as an unpri...
The times when venture capital was rare are over. Based on the number of VCs in Germany alone, you can see there has never been as much capital to invest in startups as there is today. However, this does not mean that your company is going to attract fun
You can’t use your GRP against this big fella, so dodging is key. Make sure that no matter what, you’re alternating between dodging left and right every time he attacks. The Riot Gun is by far the best weapon for this fight because you’ll always be up close to him, and you sho...
Although the effects of video game use are generally considered to occur in the short term (<3 months; King & Delfabbro, 2018), a substantial portion of previous prospective studies on problematic gaming relied on a period of 6 months to 1 year (for a review, see Richard et al., 2020...
A different approach, which many people falsely refer to as peer-to-peer, is to use the PC or console of one of the players to host the game, making them player and server at the same time. With this model, the game studio does not have to pay for expensive dedicated servers. It ...
For the person you may like, but couldn’t tolerate being at their behest 24/7 there’s… The ‘I Like You But Never Ask My Advice Again’ response If the person asking the question is harmless enough that you don’t want to be rude, but don’t necessarily want to bring them into...
Besides doing business with the informant, the rabbis used their charities linked to their synagogues to launder money for countless others. Money from illegal goods such as fake Gucci handbags passed into the rabbis’ hands. The rabbis were charged with laundering money that often was sent to...