A tripod, of course, has three legs that can usually be extended to suit the height of the observer, so they’re useful if you’restargazing with your kids. They can also fold inward to allow for easy transportation. The telescope itself will be attached to the tripod by either anequator...
The easiest object in the sky to observe with a telescope is the Moon. It's usually up at night, but it's also in the sky during the day during part of the month. It's a great object to photograph as well, and these days, people are even using their smartphone cameras to shoot ...
But somebody suggested to me to get a 8" Dobsonian Telescope instead of the 25x100 Binocular. Says, it's way better. It is. It's also way more expensive. If you have the money to burn and are ok with the chance - however small you think it is - that you may use it once and...
No, SpaceX isn't responsible for the missing submersible's communication Mars isn't as red as you might have thought How to use a stargazing app to see Venus and Mars Stargazing apps — such aSkySafari, Stellarium, and many others— are like cheat codes for seeing constellations and planets...
1. Uses you need to know: Whether to watch sports games, outdoor travel, or bird watching, star watching, or balcony viewing for different purposes, the requirements for the volume and weight multiples of the telescope are not the same. ...
We can compare the distances we want to the distances between bright stars. Alternatively, if we know the angular distance from a star, we can use our hands to estimate those distances. When you transfer these skills to binoculars or telescope finders, make sure you know the angular diameter...
However, you can see the Apollo landing sites if your telescope is good enough—and we're going to tell you how, and where, to find them. How to view the Apollo landing sites An easy way to interpret the surface of the moon is to imagine it as a giant clock face. (Image credit...
To use the mask, you simply need to cover the telescope’s objective and point the telescope at a bright star. The mask creates a pattern that allows you to fine-tune the focus of the telescope to produce the signature “central star-spike” pattern. ...
to get started in stargazing is to find your local astronomy club. These groups often host star parties, and bring a large telescope. Events like these help you learn more about the skies in your local area, and provide you with an opportunity to use equipment you may not want to ...
No true stargazer will fail to become familiar with the constellations, and fortunate is he whose introduction to the skies comes to him through nature's eyes alone and not through any telescope. So few of those who use the eyepiece first ever get to really know the stars." So, as ...