Use painter’s tape to attach the cardboard tubes to the wall in your chosen design. Make sure the tubes connect well so the marble can roll smoothly from one to the next. Add multiple levels to yourDIY marble run! 💡Tip: Older kids can cut apart the paper towel tubes or use paper...
This 16th Century Gold Ring Features a Sundial and Compass If you wanted to know your location during the 20th century, Google Maps wasn’t an option. You had to either use a physical map or politely ask someone for directions. If, however, you wanted to do that before ...
The Compass app is so much more than a compass. Yes, it does work as a compass, to tell you the direction you’re headed and which way is North. The compass feature alone can be very handy if you’re hiking through the woods, wondering where the sun will set, or positioning a sun...
However, there was a time when a sundial was cutting edge technology. Its invention is attributed to the Greeks who had adopted the ancient Egyptian concept of the “hour” but that’s a real long story. What’s curious is that sundials usually don’t work. That’s because every sundial...
Use a compass or look for the North Star at night to find true north. Then, rotate the face of your sundial until the gnomon, or the pin of the sundial, is pointing straight north.[2] The 12:00 noon notation is aligned with the gnomon, so it will be pointing north as well. 4...
editor staff answer try using the big dipper technique. or, you can use a moondial, which works similarly to a sundial. a basic moondial is only accurate on the night of a full moon, so you’ll need a correction table to adjust for the time difference during other moon phases. thanks...