1. Start VDJ, goto Settings->MAPPING, select one of the 2 Launchpad Mini, then on the right side, choose the "Ignore" mapping. 2. Start Ableton or other app and the one you set as Ignore, should be available to map and control that app. ...
•Novation Launchpadand anAkai MPK Minikeyboard on a sliding shelf under my computer keyboard •Korg Nanokeythat I take out and about with a laptop because it is so slim - Box in the corner holding mic stands when out of use, but ready to grab at a moment's notice - Shelves with ...
Suggested MIDI Control Surfaces: Ableton Push 2, Novation Launchpad X, Akai Pro MPC X, Akai Pro MPC One, Akai Pro Force, Native Instruments Maschine Mk3, Soundwell DEK, and Nektar Aura Beat Composer. MIDI Drum Pads And Kits When it comes to MIDI, keyboard players aren’t the only musicia...
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