因为高压水枪在使用的时候需要在通电的条件下工作,所以很多人都在了解这种水枪是否会漏电。一旦水枪漏电,使用后果将不堪设想,但是消费者的顾虑完全是多余的,只要正常使用和操作就不会出现这种情况。 ① 外壳密封不漏电 其实高压水枪的外壳都是密封的,尤其是和电线、电路板有关的零部件的地方,都进行了很好的密封,不会...
Anyone who wants to be successful in the future needs convincing innovations: Kärcher launched150 new productsin 2019 – more than ever before in one year. The "Kärcher Battery Universe" with 43 new products from garden tools through to the first battery-powered pressure washer for profession...
On the other hand, using water pressure machines such as the Karcher High Pressure Washer would allow us to complete the task much quicker while saving lots of water. How location affects solar panel cleaning Where solar panels are located also has a bearing on how to clean solar panels and...