Hyphens can also be used to connect prefixes and suffixes to a stem word, such as “self-reliance” and “president-elect”. The addition of an affix alters the word’s meaning. Often, an affix is so commonly used with a word that the hyphen is eventually dropped – for example, “ant...
An exception to the above rule occurs when the first part of the compound form uses a shortened form of a word rather than a word that could stand alone. The shortened form then functions something like aprefix, and no hyphen is used. An example issociopolítico(socio-political), wheresoci...
However, there is another use of the en-dash that many people aren’t aware of, and that’s forming a connection between words. This use is, in fact, similar to how we might use a hyphen to form compound words and adjectives, but there’s a twist here: we use the en-dash to con...
Personification: In this article, you will be introduced to personification, its meaning, definition and usage. You can also go through the examples given in the article to understand well.
Confused about when and how to use these punctuation marks? I give clear instructions, examples, and videos.
Punctuation: Learn what each punctuation mark is meant to do and use them effectively and accurately in this article. Check out the examples given for a much better understanding.
The rules of when and where to use which kind of dash may seem complex and hard to understand, but they don't have to. Here's your guide to how to use em dashes, en dashes, and hyphens correctly.
The LARGE function returns an error before 10 non empty cells are found and the IFERROR function converts the errors to a "hyphen". This is why you see hyphen or a minus character in the first top cells in column C. As soon as there are 10 values in column B to average the ...
4. Don’t Use Hyphens and Numbers Hyphens and numbers can create unnecessary complications. That is, when people hear your domain, they may not know whether to use “3” or “three,” or where to place a hyphen. This ambiguity can lead to typing errors, and to making your domain harder...
There are actually two types of dashes, each with different uses: theem dash—also called the "long dash," according to Oxford Online Dictionaries—and theen dash, which doesn't have another name but falls between the hyphen and em dash in terms of length. The en dash is so named becau...