These plants are completely non-toxic for cats, but they don’t like to be around them either. These plants are gorgeous additions to any garden, so it’s really a win-win for you. 2. Use Citrus Smells Cats typically dislike the smell of citrus. If you’re having trouble with cats ...
节食(jiéshí) means to go on a diet, while 绝食 (juéshí) is to fast or to go on a hunger strike. 食指(shízhǐ) is the index finger. Imagine a westerner using the forefinger to point to things, while a Chinese dips the forefinger in the sauce and then places it on the tongue ...
When you are really desperate, you might be willing to forgo your own garden favorites to be able to harvest a crop not decimated by the groundhogs. In this case, consider planting groundhog-resistant plants. Remember that these plants do not actively resist the attack of an aggressive woodchu...
Usesand on the drivewayto see where the fertilizer actually drops to get the proper overlap. The spreader may not be dropping any fertilizer next to the wheels, so you may have to overlap a little more than you thought. Next time you fertilize with the drop spreader, watch the wheel mark...
I make it a few times a year, especially when I can get fresh beans. I have a good friend that is crazy about beans and has dedicated most of his garden to different varieties. Sometimes I can weasel some fresh butter beans out of him. ...
Whenever possible, it's best to try toavoid even problem snakesto reduce the possibility of a bite. If you can, chase off the snake with a jet of water from yourgarden hosefrom a safe distance. Snakes prefer living in a mellow environment and are easily chased off using this method. Th...
26 2012 WEB #no. " # Wow -- just wow. How much do you think they're currently paying for law enforcement targeted at drug use 27 2003 TV Stargate SG-1 #I'm going to miss this garden. - How much longer'll the force field last? - It's difficult to say. ...
An evil lurked even then which was feeling its way with invisible tentacles into every home and hearth, until the back field was allowed to grow over with saplings, and the garden went years without a rake or hoe. The children moved away and the old increasingly took comfort in their TV...
When you know what size you're working with, you can start to plan how/where you're going to use it. I like sketchup for doing this: it's free, integrates with google earth, andthere's already a model of a shipping container for you to adapt. ...
Most animals, including skunks, dislike the smell of citrus fruits. Place orange or lemon peels around the yard as a natural skunk repellent. Predator urine (dogs, coyotes) can be used to repel a skunk. These are commercially sold in garden centers. (Note:Use a responsible source for predat...