not use the dictionary at onceD. use the dictionary at once()4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE accord-ing to the passage?A. A dictionary tells us how to remember words.B. A ditionary usually tells us the differentmeanings of the word.C. A dictionary usually tells us the pronuncia...
(2).【答案】 A good English learner should know how to use a dictionary. 【解析】 该题考查句子的翻译:a good English learner的意思是一位好的英语学习者;should的意思是应该;know的意思是知道;how to use a dictionary的意思是如何使用字典. (3).【答案】 Four. The spelling of the word, the pr...
We all know that a dictionary is very userful to our study. But do you know how to use it? We should choose a good English-Chinese dictionary. It tells us the meaning of the English words in Chinese. When you meet a new word, don't use the dictionary at once. Try your best to ...
We all know that a dictionary is very userful to our study. But do you know how to use it? We should choose a good English-Chinese dictionary. It tells us the meaning of the English words in Chinese. When you meet a new word, don't use the dictionary at once. Try your best to ...
"How to Use This Dictionary". ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs (Yanyu), Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002, pp. xxv-xxv. Rohsenow, J. (2002). How to Use This Dictionary. In ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs (Yanyu) (pp. xxv-xxv)....
What's the best way to know it? We should choose a good English-Chinese dictionary. It tells us the meaning of the English words in Chinese. When you meet a new word, don't use the dictionary at once. Try your best to think about what it means before you look it up in the ...
A. To teach students how to use a dictionary. B. To help students learn groups of related words. C. To teach students how to make flashcards. D. To provide Chinese translations for English words.( )38. To remember a word, how many times should the word be met when reading? A. At...
How to use a dictionary. 高中英语教学资源 2021-12-22 00:00 收录于合集 #视频资料 82个 ,时长05:06 点击下方链接 往期回看1. What is love? 2. The healing power of reading 3. Does grammer matter ? 4. How to increase your voca...
Unit 18 How to Use a Dictionary;1.Types of dictionaries 1) Monolingual dictionaries vs.bilingual dictionaries ?? Monolingual dictionaries are written in one language, while bilingual dictionaries are written in two languages.;Bilingual dictionaries are of the two types". One is that the entries are...
How to use a dictionary(如何使用字典)查看答案更多“How to use a dictionary(如何使用字典)”相关的问题 第1题 在文中三处横线上依次填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是() A.①如虹如带的飘逸 ②如狮如虎的豪壮 ③如泊如镜的沉静 B.①如泊如镜的沉静 ②如虹如带的飘逸 ③如狮如虎的豪壮 C.①如狮如虎...