The Basics of Attack Time on a Compressor ByEric Tarron 08/20/2016 3 Ways to Use Compression to Manipulate Drums in a Mix ByIan Vargoon 08/18/2016 How to Use Compression to Increase Perceived Intensity ByIan Vargoon 08/13/2016
If your attack is set to 5ms, the compressor is going to kick in quickly and affect the initial attack of the note. But if we use a slow attack time, the transient (start) of the note will slip through and the sustain (the rest of the note) will be compressed. Sometimes you might...
There are a few core elements to compression; once you understand them, you'll have an easier time setting up any compressor with your rig. In fact, to use a compressor well and get good results at all, you must first familiarize yourself with these concepts: • Input level is critica...
As a lead guitarist, you might be looking for that extra sustain on your solos without altering your tone too much. In that case, opt for a lower threshold to allow the compressor to kick in more frequently and a lower ratio to preserve the expressive qualities of your playing. When tappi...
multiple parameters — not just “makeup” gain, but advanced controls like “threshold,”“ratio,”“attack” and “release” — with a single knob. The ultimate goal was to allow you to get back to the performance … and not need a degree in audio engineering to use a compressor ...【超認真少年】「空壓機」-基礎示範教學,原來每個家裡都要買一台空壓機 How to use Air compressor 11:59 豪宅水管也會塞 連水電師傅都不知道的知識 再也不用通馬桶!瑞士來的水管新技術 可能改變台灣未來建築【超認真少年】Geberit 23:08 太陽能板真實案例 你說多好賺都是騙人的【超認真少年...
Learn how to navigate your way around the sleek interface of Final Cut Pro and your compression projects in no time. We have got you covered on all the details on how compressor expands on the encoding options built into Final Cut Pro. Come along as we
the top of the valve stem. Remove the cap and put it to the side, but make sure you don’t misplace it. When the cap is off the valve, even if it’s just for a minute, some of the leftover air could escape. Avoid removing the cap until you’re ready to use the compressor. ...
I have a very useful document on compression and when to use it. A lot of people learn how to use a compressor but they are unsure on when they actually need to use it. Reply with your email address and I will get it sent to you. James Mix and Mastering Share Reply Quote 23rd...
Back to threshold With these different controls set, the point in which the compressor kicks in needs to be established. First thing, know that a compressor should not be working 100 percent of the time. That’s over-compressing the signal and you’ll lose the quality of the signal. It ...