Notice that the statement immediately before the CTE has to end with a semi-colon where I have "USE Library;", but this would be for any statement that is prior to the CTE. What this query does is to create a temporary table-like object calledcteBooksByAuthor, then immedi...
"explicit value must be specified for identity column in table" error in SQL 2000 "FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them" "No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statment over MSDTC "Restricted data type attrib...
COALESCE is one of the tools you have in SQL Server to work with NULL values. It may not be the first one you think of, but it can be a very good choice. In this tip I will provide examples of how you can use COALESCE to peacefully coexist with NULL values. Before we dig in to...
However, you will have to use CTE (common table expression) to get count of days and then use it compute value of ActiveStatus column. Try using below code: ; WITH CTE1 AS( SELECT D.DRIVERID, COUNT(DISTINCT O.DROPDATE) AS DayCount FROM DRIVER AS D LEFT JOIN ORDER AS O ON D.DRIV...
Just to expand on my comment
If you're using SQL Server 2017 or higher, you can use the STRING_AGG function to concatenate values within a group. You can then use a CTE to fetch the Features list separately to simplify the query then join that back to your data to get the desired row plus...
Knowing this, if we only wanted to select one value from each group in column two, we could use this query: with cte as ( select *, rank() over (partition by column2 order by column3) rnk from t ) select * from cte where rnk = 1 order by column3; Result: COLUMN1 | COLUMN...
Always print a report in Landscape/Portrait An attempt has been made to use a data extension that is either not registered for this report server or is not supported in this edition of reporting services. An attempt was made to set a dataset parameter that is not defined in this data...
Before we start, let’s create a SQL Server database with a temporal table dbo.People. To play alone you can copy and execute the following code in the query window: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CREATE DATABASE test; GO USE test; GO CREATE TABLE People( PeopleID ...
It uses IIF to set TrendValue to 0 when the divider is equal to 0. The CTE gets all rows from your table and calculate the 3 trend values. You can then SELECT from it or UPDATE the columns from the main table used in the CTE. This works like an UPDATE in a VIEW. Sample data ...