If you can’t find a free version of a paper, don’t hesitate to reach out to the authors. Most researchers are happy to share their work and may send you a copy of their paper. Look for the corresponding author’s email address in the paper’s abstract or contact information. 6. U...
如何搜索和阅读一篇论文 (How to Search&Read a Paper) Motivation 看着一帮一帮的硕士师弟入学,开题,答辩和毕业。感觉到自己渐渐向老古董靠拢(老古董现已博士毕业)。一次偶然的机会,发现一部分师弟到写毕业论文时都不会查论文,对于学校的电子资源更是知之甚少。顿时感到无比心疼,送上搜索文献一文,希望对你们少走...
Paper link:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.05400 Environment Python 3.8.5 PyTorch 1.10.1+cu11 or 1.11.0+cu102 Usage Install Require Packages and Prepare Essential Data Please run bash install.sh Wandb Logging Support If you want to upload the experimental results to ``Weight And Bias, please log...
For more details, please check the code or refer ourpaper. Folder Hierarchy * local: you should create this folder in your local repository and these folders will not upload to remote repository. ├── data (local) # Store test/training data ├── checkpoints (local) # Store the checkpo...
RQ1: What are the key design choices that AI companies have to make when setting up an AI ethics board? RQ2: How could different design choices affect the board’s ability to reduce societal risks from AI? The paper has two areas of focus. First, it focuses on companies that develop ...
https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.07958 GitHub:GitHub - sylinrl/TruthfulQA: TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Imitate Human Falsehoods TL;DR 一个用来评判语言模型生成的答案是否真实的benchmark,精心设计了800+个问题,这些问题包含一些类似于流行的错误观念等,且容易被错误回答。为了表现得好,模型必须避免从人类文本...
In addition, the research aims to answer the question of what minimum amount of data is sufficient to effectively and efficiently train a machine learning model for threat detection. Thus, the main objectives of the paper are as follows: To establish and verify an optimal set of flow-based ...
Moreover, due to the nature of some proposed DLTs, related pieces of data can be already linked and indexed in the ledger. That is the case of the IOTA DLT, which manages the upload of data in the form of a stream channel thanks to the Streams protocol. We refer to this DLT and ...
Attention-OCR is an OCR project available ontensorflowas an implementation ofthis paperand came into being as a way to solve theimage captioningproblem. It can be thought of as a CRNN followed by an attention decoder. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.04938v2.pdf ...
Of the 1,000 COVID-19-related papers posted on the preprint server arXiv, 45% are authored by researchers who usually publish in high-energy physics and condensed-matter physics. The pandemic could also influence student choices, with several major research universities reporting that interest in...