如何搜索和阅读一篇论文 (How to Search&Read a Paper) Motivation 看着一帮一帮的硕士师弟入学,开题,答辩和毕业。感觉到自己渐渐向老古董靠拢(老古董现已博士毕业)。一次偶然的机会,发现一部分师弟到写毕业论文时都不会查论文,对于学校的电子资源更是知之甚少。顿时感到无比心疼,送上搜索文献一文,希望对你们少走...
A newpaperby researchers at Microsoft proposes a technique that significantly reduces the costs and complexity of training custom embedding models. The technique uses open-source LLMs instead of BERT-like encoders to reduce the steps for retraining. It also uses proprietary LLMs to automatically gen...
The outputs will be stored in theworkspacefolder. And you can analyze the results using the jupyter notebooks provided in theresultsfolder. Refer to the Results section for more details. Below are the model arguments used in experiments of the paper. ...
In this paper, we propose a method for simultaneously measuring the numerator and denominator of Eq. (1). This method involves utilizing an oscillating field during quantum annealing to induce a Rabi oscillation between the ground and excited states. By performing Fourier transformation on a time d...
[Paper] [Project] [Demo] [Dataset] [Blog] [BibTeX] Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) is a foundation model towards solving promptable visual segmentation in images and videos. We extend SAM to video by considering images as a video with a single frame. The model design is a simple tran...
How self-archiving influences the citation impact of a paper: A bibliometric analysis of arXiv papers and non-arXiv papers in the field of information and library scienceZ. WangW. GlnzelY. ChenCentre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)...
Biological science produces “big data” in varied formats, which necessitates using computational tools to process, integrate, and analyse data. Researchers using computational biology tools range from those using computers for communication, to those w
This repo contains the evaluation framework for the paper:VisualWebBench: How Far Have Multimodal LLMs Evolved in Web Page Understanding and Grounding? 🌐 Homepage|🤗 Dataset|📖 arXiv Introduction We introduceVisualWebBench, a multimodal benchmark designed to assess theunderstanding and grounding ...
Artificial intelligence excels at sorting through information and detecting patterns or trends. But these machine learning algorithms need to be trained with large amounts of data first.
For more details, please check the code or refer ourpaper. Folder Hierarchy * local: you should create this folder in your local repository and these folders will not upload to remote repository. ├── data (local) # Store test/training data ├── checkpoints (local) # Store the checkpo...