Make sure that the @2x images are sized 2X the image the name says. So512x512@2xis actually a 1024x1024 image with 144 dpi. From the Terminal, navigate to the directory where the .iconset directory is located and perform the command iconutil -c icns UnityPlayer.iconset Create aninfo.p...
But the process to upload unity webGL games is actually a bit tricky and no-one’s had any time to iron out the common issues. It’s super important that the release version uses the “Compressed” versions of the game data, both to reduce the game size by half or so and at least ...
But the process to upload unity webGL games is actually a bit tricky and no-one’s had any time to iron out the common issues. It’s super important that the release version uses the “Compressed” versions of the game data, both to reduce the game size by half or so and at least ...
When I use a POSTMAN to do make a request, my API receives a IList<IFormFile>.How can I do the same request using Xamarin.Forms with REFIT?(I'm trying to put images here, but I can not. I asked the same question in StackOverflow with images)...
Should the Crashlytics Unity plugin upload generated symbols automatically if so what approaches can I use to debug why it is not working? Is there a recommended way to upload the generated symbols post build? Is there any documentation that describes how to perform the symbol uploading ...
The original keystore is always required to update a published Google Play application. TIP: Reuse the Bundle Version Code from your last uploaded APK during local testing to permit side-loading without first being required to upload the changed APK to the Developer Console. See the settings for...
You can create, add, or join projects from the Unity Hub, if they are using Unity Version Control. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to do the following: Use the Unity Hub and enable Unity Version Control for your new projects Invite new team
How to bind Datagrid cell background color from a model property in wpf How to Bind DataTable to ListView How to bind decimal value to textbox using MVVM pattern in wpf? How to bind different DelegateCommands to button down and button up How to Bind EventArgs and Command Parrameter to Co...
Thanks a lot in advance! Answered by DTS Engineer in 675310022 OK, there’s a lot to unpack here. You wrote: I didn't use Xcode. The app is built directly from Unity.That’s fine. macOS’s file system permissions model applies to all apps regardless of how the app was built. ...
Step 2: Upload your data into Roboflow Once your account has been created, clickCreate New Project. Upload your data to Roboflow by dragging and dropping your Unity Perception JSON images and annotations into the upload space. Step 3: Generate Dataset Version ...