首先,将1解压到随便一个新的文件夹中,我们就叫它Firmware 12.0.3。将这个文件夹拷贝到Switch的SD卡的根目录下。 如果你的大气层已经是最新版本的话,就啥也不用做了,如果不是的话,需要把2...
To download all configs click here, unpack it and copy the SaltySD and atmosphere folder to root of your sdcard. Column ISSUES represents what issues you can expect from game when trying to go above default FPS target without using patch. It is valid only for the game's latest version lis...
To calculate the size of the power supply for your LED strip light, you need to calculate the total watts used in your strip. Each strip consumed a different amount of watts per ft (W/ft). Take the w/ft and multiply it by the number of total feet you are hooking up to the power ...
Here is a complete guide for beginners who want to jaibreaker their console with custom firmware. There are types of CFW currently available: atmosphere, sxos, reinx and rajnx, among them CFW sx is the only one paying the most powerful against, and three others are in the same free categ...
5. Now runNX Theme installerand go intoextract home menu, you will only have to do this once, but if you upgrade your firmware you will have to do the whole process again since the keys will be different on a new firmware! after it is done extracting, you will then be able to use...
These drives switch off when inactive. 4.Thefirmware of motherboardsometimes installs a control centre with tweaking options like “eco mode” among other options. 5.AMD Cool and Quitactivated via your bios and then from desktop can save a lot power. see below. ...
The Caretakeris the work of Bristol-based developer Franbo, and bridges the gap very effectively between game and virtual tourism. Interaction’s kept to a minimum, but atmosphere builds successfully with every passing minute you dare to stay in that horriffically ’70s environ. I’ve never bee...