In Response To tgCe3 Q: Do I have to create a script that will create the keys in regedit if they don't already exist? Response: Yes, if the customization was not initially created from within the Adobe Customization Wizard DC and applie...
For a mouse-only (or touchscreen) interface, using sg.Image() instead of sg.Button() is brilliant! However, to also have keyboard control, where the user tabs or arrows over to a button, and executes it by pressing Return/Enter, is less trivial. I think using metadata to indicate 'fo...
Go to: This manual documents theBLAST(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) command line applications developed at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). These applications have been revamped to provide an improved user interface, new features, and performance improvements compared to its...
It's an unnecessary "feature", along with so many others in XI. I've just been forced to go to XI from X due to incompatibilty with Office 2013 and it's a nightmare of an interface. I'm astonished it got through usability testing. O...
Ticks are the vector of many human and animal diseases; and host detection is critical to this process. Ticks have a unique sensory structure located exclusively on the 1st pairs of legs; the fore-tarsal Haller’s organ, not found in any other animals, p